




An Introduction to Editorial Office of Foreign Language Research in China


Editorial Office of Foreign Language Research in China was organized in September 2014. It is the issuer of Foreign Language Research in China, an academic journal of foreign language studies edited and published by the College of Foreign Languages of Ocean University of China and several colleges of foreign languages of other universities in China. The first issue of Foreign Language Research in China was published in 2014 by Publishing House of Ocean University of China. The journal generally contains five parts: Linguistic Theories and Their Application, National Literature and Culture, Translation Theories and Criticism, Language and Culture in International Business, as well as Foreign Language Education and Teaching. Each part consists of several columns. Specifically, under Linguistic Theories and Their Application, there are columns of second language acquisition, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics and studies of linguistic philosophy, etc.; National Literature and Culture includes studies of English and American Literature, works of Haruki Mulakami, French Literature, South Korean Literature, as well as German Literature. Translation Theories and Criticism contains researches of translation of the Bible, literature classics, as well as different genres of works, etc.; Language and Culture in International Business comprises international business linguistics, translation studies and intercultural communication studies, etc.; and Foreign Language Education and Teaching incorporates columns of studies of teaching foreign language to foreign-language major students and non-foreign-language major students, etc. Funded by Ocean University of China, two issues of Foreign Language Research in China have been published by now.